Life, Stories

Massage Chronicles “The Stalker”

So early in my massage ๐Ÿ’† career I had a creepy client that became obsessive, turned stalker. His name was Clay and he always wanted to talk about his “Little Clay”. ๐Ÿ˜ My boss at the time would always schedule him with me because I did therapeutic massage and she didn’t. (She did Tantra) It got so uncomfortable that I just quit. Left my table, supplies, everything. Just never came back.

So then my old boss gave Creepy Clay my number. I know, why would she do that right? Apparently he kept asking her about me and she got annoyed. He called all the time.

Now, most people would have just changed their number. But I like my number. I’ve had it since the first cell phone ๐Ÿ“ฑ I owned. So I wasn’t about to be bullied into getting rid of it for a creepy phone stalker.

So I did what any person in my situation would do. I got my cousin LaToya Perez to answer the phone ๐Ÿ“ž one day and tell him I died in a car accident. She deserved an Oscar for the performance. Truly. And then, after he finds out I’m dead, he ask my cousin if she needs some company!

๐Ÿ˜ The man was all sorts of crazy. But at least he doesn’t call me anymore.


Life, ministry, Stories

Late Night Realizations

When I sat and wrote out all the things I have done and the people I’ve helped with my business I realized something. I’m pretty successful.

It was like years of self doubt, feeling like I haven’t accomplished enough, had finally come to an end. Why was I crushing my confidence by dwelling on things I haven’t done yet? I should have been celebrating the MANY things I had! I taught a multitude of students to play the piano. I’ve helped many clients find a solution to chronic pain and stress related issues. They saw my value. They appreciated everything I did.

I didn’t make it as a singer, but I did record a song with two members of Blackstreet. Which for me was a big deal.

It’s too easy to focus on the things I didn’t accomplish. Too easy to look at my age and say “I haven’t done enough.” Even though I have done a lot. I realized that I am a recording artist, published writer, business owner, missionary, minister. I wanted to be a performing artist and I did it. I wanted to publish my stories and I’m doing it. I wanted to travel and I am.

As I sat up one late night, feeling like my life hadn’t turned out the way it was supposed to, I realized that I had accomplished a lot more than I gave myself credit for. ย And I began thanking God for giving me the talents and opportunity to do so. When I realized I wasn’t appreciating the doors he had opened for me I repented. He has a divine plan for my life. Even if I don’t understand all of it I know it’s going to work out for my good.

So tonight I sit humbled and appreciative.